The RTIViewer is the visualization software to display and explore Reflectance Transformation Imaging(RTI) files at very high resolution (Polynomial Texture Maps, Hemispherical […]
READ-IT represents the first advanced readability assessment tool for what concerns Italian, which combines traditional raw text features with lexical, morpho-syntactic and […]
The project “Piccola Biblioteca Digitale Romanza” was started as an experimental digital library aimed at hosting French literary texts. The current site […]
Piccante is a header-only C++11 open-source (MPL license v2.0) imaging library, specifically designed for High Dynamic Range (HDR) processing. Piccante is modular; […]
Services developed are hosted at CNR-ILC. They allow for the automatic construction of language resources and provide format converters, pos-taggers, dependency parsers, […]
The MIRABILE website lets Internet users access a number of highly integrated research tools, such as: online data-bases related to research projects […]
LinguA is a state-of-the-art linguistic annotation pipeline which combines rule-based and machine learning algorithms. It includes the following annotation steps: sentence splitting, […]