Several workshops at this year’s dh2016 are being organised with the involvement of people from the DARIAH network.
For example, the “Biographical Data Workshop: modeling, sharing and analyzing people’s lives” is being organised by the DARIAH working group Analyzing and linking biographical data. It aims to initiate efforts to share knowledge, data and data models.
Another workshop, “TextGrid@DARIAH”, allows researchers to explore the digital research environment, TextGrid, and other tools developed by the German DARIAH member, DARIAH-DE.
Additionally DARIAH is taking part in two of the long paper sessions at the conference. In its paper “#dariahTeach: online teaching, MOOCs and beyond” the DARIAH initiative #dariahTeach presents the results of some preliminary research carried out through a user study, as well as a workshop on open educational resources, modules, and platform design.
DARIAH’s Head of VCC 2, Jennifer Edmond, will give a paper together with DARIAH Coordination Office member Francesca Morselli: “Toward A Use-Value Paradigm For The Sustainability Of Digital Research”. The paper will explore the hypothesis that a successful approach to sustainability for Research Infrastructures needs to have a comprehensive approach, by considering simultaneously the sustainability of data, technology, community and processes.
Another topic is presented as part of the session “PosterGroup144: Infrastructures. Beyond Digital Humanities?” The paper “Furthering the Exploration of Language Diversity and Pan-European Culture by Means of Transdisciplinary Research Infrastructures: Introducing the new DARIAH CC Science Gateway” is about the new DARIAH Competence Centre and its Science Gateway established in the Horizon2020-project EGI ENGAGE (1.3.2015-).
A more detailed overview of all the DARIAH-related events at the dh2016 conference can be found here.
The Digital Humanities 2016 conference (dh2016) takes place from July 11-16 in Kraków, Poland, and is hosted jointly by the Jagiellonian University and the Pedagogical University of Kraków.